1. pris til Lykkens grøde i Barcelona

Lykkens Grøde mottok 1. pris på festivalen «Docupolis IX International Documentary Film Festival of Barcelona«: Best First Documentary.
Filmskaperne kunne dessverre ikke være tilstede og motta prisen, men vi sendte følgende takketale til festivalen:
We are very happy to hear that we have been selected as the best first Documentary with our film Harvesting the Wasteland and we wish to express our deep thankfulness and gratitude towards the jury and audience of Docúpolis 09-IX Festival Internacional Documental de Barcelona.
After four years in the making we now appreciate the attention the film is being given and that a quiet film about women relations in the countryside is being noticed and recognized. We have a lot to thank the main protagonists for, and first of all for the trust they have showed us, and their willingness to share of their story. The access we were given takes a lot of courage and we would like to mention that.
Once again thank you so much!
Sincere regards from directors Karoline and Hilde and producer Hilde.

Lykkens Grøde har til nå vært vist på følgende festivaler:
2008 Kosmorama, Trondheim
2008 Eurodok, European Documentary Film Festival, Oslo
2008 Den norske dokumentarfilmfestivalen, Volda
2008 Norwegian Short Film Festival, Grimstad
2008 Nordisk Panorama 5 Cities Festival, Malmö, Sweden
2008 Uppsala International Short Film Festival, Sweden – Nordic Documentary programme
2008 Femmina Film Festival, Norway
2008 Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, Germany
2009 DocPoint, Finland
2009 International Woman’s Film festival, Seoul, Korea
2009 St. Paul International Film Festival, USA
2009 Planet Doc Review, Poland
2009 Nordic Anthropological Film Festival
2009 Docúpolis Int’l Documentary Film Festival of Barcelona, Spain
2009 Women Make Waves Film Festival, Taiwan
Lykkens Grøde har til nå mottatt følgende priser og utmerkelser:
2008 Den norske dokumentarfilmfestivalen, Volda: Best Film
2008 Norwegian Short Film Festival, Grimstad: Honorary Mention
2008: Nominated for the National Film Award Amanda for Best Documentary
2009: National Television Award Gullruten for Best Editing
2009: Nominated for the National Television Award Gullruten for Best Documentary
2009 Docúpolis Int’l Documentary Film Festival of Barcelona, Spain: Opera Prima Award for the Best First Documentary
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