Early success – premiere in Valdres


Harvesting The Wasteland (Lykkens Grøde)

It was with a mixture of fear and delight that the directors screened the film at home in Valdres. But the response from the 300 in attendance was fantastic. The audience laughed and cried and the applause seemed endless.

”The film has really touched our hearts. And it is incredible how the film brings us so close to its main characters while at the same time avoids exploiting the participants.


NRK: http://www1.nrk.no/nett-tv/distrikt/ho/verdi/42150

Valdres.no: http://www.valdres.no/Norsk/Kva_Skjer.aspx?M=News&PID=6&NewsID=171


Director Hilde K. Kjøs, Editor Robert Stengård and Director Karoline Grindaker are relieved that the film was so well-received among their own.


Packed house at Kvitvella Cinema in Fagernes.


Producer Hilde Skofteland thanks the directors, photographers, editors and the Lykken family for their contribution to this unique film.

POSTET 01.03.08

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